Graphene oxide and its derivatives: preparation, characterization and applications Line of research Starting from graphene oxide (GO), its variably "reduced" derivatives are synthesized with chemical, thermal and electrochemical methods. Nanostructured hybrid materials are also prepared through GO functionalization reactions with molecules with specific functions (redox, chelating, sensitizing). These materials are investigated by photoemission spectroscopy (XPS), UV-vis, Raman, FTIR, electrochemistry, microscopy and theoretical calculations. Possible applications are in the biomedical, energy and environmental fields. Staff Supervisor: Andrea Giacomo MarraniDepartment staff: Alessandro MottaFrancesco AmatoCleofe PalocciDonato MontiPier Giorgio SchiaviPietro AltimariElisa Viola Publications Toward Graphene/Silicon Interface via Controlled Electrochemical Reduction of Graphene OxideIntegration of graphene onto silicon through electrochemical reduction of graphene oxide layers in non-aqueous mediumBiocompatible N-acetyl cysteine reduces graphene oxide and persists at the surface as a green radical scavengerInsights from experiment and theory into the electrochemical reduction mechanism of graphene oxideFlexible Interfaces between Reduced Graphene Oxide and Indium Tin Oxide/Polyethylene Terephthalate for Advanced Optoelectronic DevicesA comparative experimental and theoretical study of the mechanism of graphene oxide mild reduction by ascorbic acid and N-acetyl cysteine for biomedical applicationsEffect of Electrolytic Medium on the Electrochemical Reduction of Graphene Oxide on Si(111) as Probed by XPSGraphene oxide-mediated copper reduction allows comparative evaluation of oxygenated reactive residues exposure on the materials surface in a simple one-step methodOne-pot carboxyl enrichment fosters water-dispersibility of reduced graphene oxide: a combined experimental and theoretical assessmentUnderstanding the nature of graphene oxide functional groups by modulation of the electrochemical reduction: A combined experimental and theoretical approach Collaborations National collaborations: Papi Massimiliano (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Roma)Palmieri Valentina (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Roma)International collaborations: Dalchiele Enrique A. (Instituto de Física Facultad de Ingeniería - Universidad de la República, Montevideo UY) Fundings and awards Fundings: Ateneo 2016 (piccoli progetti) - Studio sulla preparazione e caratterizzazione di ossido di grafene ridotto elettrochimicamente (erGO) su superfici di Si(100) e sua funzionalizzazione covalente con molecole organiche.Ateneo 2019 (medi progetti) - Produzione e caratterizzazione di superfici di ossido di grafene a composizione chimica modulabile per applicazioni biomediche (BioSurfENE)Ateneo 2020 (medi progetti) - Forme Allotropiche Risultanti dal CArbonio, Ottimizzate per applicazioni in biomedicina (FARCAO)Ateneo 2022 (medi progetti) - Materiali ibridi innovativi a base di grafene ossido funzionalizzato covalentemente con macrocicli tetrapirrolici per applicazioni biomediche in fototerapieMinistero Salute 2019 - REPROGRAM-BONE, REgenerative PROtein-dialoguing GRAphene: personalized Material for BONE grafting Theme and ERC Theme: MaterialsERC: PE3_4 Electronic properties of materials, surfaces, interfaces, nanostructuresPE4_4 Surface science and nanostructuresPE5_6 New materials: oxides, alloys, composite, organic-inorganic hybrid, nanoparticles Traineeship offer Area di ricerca: Physical chemistryInorganic chemistryAvailability: two positionsCourse of study (advised): ChemistryIndustrial chemistry