etica della chimica

Ethics in Chemistry

The Working party on Ethics of Chemistry is a network of representatives of the EuChemS member societies with the goal to promote the understanding of the importance of ethical considerations in education and practice of pure and applied chemistry. It has drawn up a Syllabus, a detailed program for a course to be offered at university and post-graduate level dedicated to the subject of the ethics of science, and in particular the ethics of chemistry.

Science and technology shape society faster and stronger than ever, nationally and globally. Chemistry is a key science and technology in this process, contributing directly and indirectly by providing new substances and materials needed for advancement of the wealth of nations. But the quantitative growth of material turnover also entails new risks. It is in the interest of us chemists to participate in the process of finding the proper way to sustainable and sound (chemical) progress, also for the sake of chemistry science reputation and acceptance by society. Therefore, awareness of the ethical, social and cultural dimensions of practicing chemistry is in the interest of us chemists and of society as a whole.

The idea is to include the Ethics of Chemistry, based on the Syllabus, among the subjects taught at various levels (first and second level degrees, doctorates, graduate schools, masters, etc.).

For this reason the Department of Chemistry, in collaboration with the Italian Chemical Society (SCI), proposes an experimental program to contribute to the awareness of chemists on the ethics of the profession of chemist and researcher in chemistry, on the social and cultural implications of the profession of the chemist. and the results of chemical research.

The course is dedicated to all students of degree courses in Chemistry and doctoral schools in chemistry and allied sciences, but is open to chemists in general, and is aimed at providing the necessary tools to responsibly face the future of chemistry. It is divided into several seminars, held by prof. Luigi Campanella, one of the first researchers in Italy to deal with these issues and president of the SCI working group on the Ethics of Chemistry, on topics related to the contents of the syllabus:

  • Ethics of Chemistry
  • The two faces of chemistry
  • The REACH regulation
  • Animal experimentation
  • Sustainability


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EuChemS, the European Chemical Society, is an umbrella organisation representing national Chemical Societies and other chemistry-related organisations in Europe. EuChemS aims to nurture a platform for scientific discussion and to provide a single, unbiased European voice on key policy issues in chemistry and related fields.

Representing more than 160,000 chemists from 49 Member Societies and other chemistry related organisations, EuChemS relies on a unique network of active researchers involved in all the fields of chemistry to promote the role and image of the chemical sciences among the general public and policy-makers.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma