
The Erasmus project (European Community Action Program for the mobility of university students) offers the possibility to study in a European university or carry out an internship in a country present within the Union, between the bilateral agreements.

Erasmus + is the European Union program for Education, Training, Youth and Sport 2014/2020. Sapienza currently manage over 1,000 inter-institutional Erasmus agreements with 400 universities in all participating countries.

The Erasmus + program for study purposes provides university students with the opportunity to develop training opportunities and offers students the opportunity to study abroad for up to 12 months abroad of each cycle / level of study, regardless of the number of periods. mobility (for example: 2 periods of 6 months or 3 periods of 4 months). The application is once a year, for the next a.a.

The student on the move receives an economic contribution, has the opportunity to take courses and to take advantage of the facilities available at the host Institute, with the guarantee of full recognition of the activities supported abroad (with a positive outcome) provided by the Learning Agreement / Change Form.

Incoming exchange students enjoy a wide range of services such as guidance and tutoring (SOrT), info and reception (Urp, Hello), free transportation (Minerva), a help desk for people with disabilities, cafeterias, libraries, sporting facilities (Cus), cultural centers, technological facilities and more.

Erasmus provides to follow the courses and take the exams related to your academic curriculum, or to carry out studies for your degree thesis. In addition, Erasmus encourages the mobility of doctoral students.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma