Duo Seminario Galya Kostadinova Toncheva e Zhana Yuliyanova Petkova, University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Ilaria Fratoddi ha il piacere di invitarvi ai due seminari:
1) Bioelements classification. The role of copper and iron metals in biological systems
di Galya Kostadinova Toncheva, University of Plovdiv , Bulgaria
2) Traditional and unconventional sources of biologically active substances
di Zhana Yuliyanova Petkova, University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria
I due seminari si terranno mercoledì 15 maggio alle ore 12.00, rispettivamente ore 12.30, in Aula C, edificio CU035.
Abstract Bioelements classification. The role of copper and iron metals in biological systems, Galya Kostadinova Toncheva
Bioelements are chemical elements ensuring the normal life activity of organisms. Their classification was made according to chemical nature, amount in the body, biological role, location in the body. As essential elements, copper and iron are presented with its physical characteristics, occurrence on Earth, essentiality, toxicity, metabolism in the body, food sources and related pathological diseases. The classification of copper-containing proteins is presented and the most important of them hemocyanin and plastocyanin are described. The structure and base functions on iron proteins - hemoglobin, myoglobin, ferritin and hemerythrin are presented. Complex formation in a system containing iron(II), 4-nitrocatechol (4NC), 2,3,5-triphenyl-2H-tetrazolium chloride (TTC), water and chloroform were studied. Under the optimum conditions, the extracted complex could be represented with the formula (TT+ )2[FeII(4NC)(OH)2]. The geometric structure of the complex and electron distribution according to the crystal field theory is presented. The results showed that the most stable configuration is tetrahedral low-spin structure.
Abstract Traditional and unconventional sources of biologically active substances , Zhana Yuliyanova Petkova
Lipids play an important role in nutrition but also they are one of the main structural components of all living cells. Their specific physical and chemical properties highly influence the food quality and shelf-life. On the other hand, it is proven that the inclusion of certain types of lipids in the diet can have a health-promoting effect. Hence, the present seminar will be focused on the basics of lipids chemistry. The following topics will be covered: classification, structure, sources of lipids, properties, peroxidation and oxidative stability of fats and oils, inhibition of lipid peroxidation, and composition of some traditional and unconventional fats and oils.