
Ciclo di tre seminari Marco A. Ciufolini, University of British Columbia (Canada)

Giovedì, 26 Ottobre, 2023

Osvaldo Lanzalunga ha il piacere di invitarvi al ciclo di tre seminari:


The Total Synthesis of Natural Products as an Engine of Progress

di Marco A. Ciufolini, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada

I seminari si terranno in Sala Parravano Ed. Cannizzaro (CU014) nei giorni 6, 13 e 20 novembre alle ore 14.30.



These three presentations illustrate how problems in total synthesis provided an incentive to devise new reactions that permitted the execution of transformations that were previously difficult – or impossible – to achieve. The meeting of November 6 will focus on the development of chemical technology for the synthesis of pyridoacridine alkaloids, camptothecin, and streptonigrone. Scheduled for November 13 is an outline of methodology for the assembly of medium-ring nitrogen heterocycles and of oxazoles, with applications to the synthesis of mitomycinoids and oxazole natural products. The discussion of November 20 will center on the development of the oxidative amidation of phenols for the total synthesis of tyrosine-derived natural substances and other noteworthy nitrogenous natural products.


Prof. Marco A. Ciufolini

Marco A. Ciufolini is Professor Emeritus of Chemistry at the University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, Canada and Vice President for Chemistry at NanoVation Therapeutics, Inc., also in Vancouver. He has held faculty positions at Rice University, Houston, TX, USA, Lyon, France, and UBC. He is the author of more than 160 scientific papers and 48 patent applications. He has directed the research of more than 30 Ph.D., 40 M.S., and 80 undergraduate students.

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