Fabrizio Di Caprio

Fabrizio Di Caprio was born in Velletri (Rome, Italy) on 1988. In 2010 he got a bachelor's degree in Agro-Industrial Biotechnology (110 with honors) and in 2013 he got a master's degree in Industrial Chemistry (110 with honors), both at University Sapienza of Rome. In 2013 he worked on the start-up of a pilot plant for microalgae cultivation in photobioreactors. He became PhD doctor in Chemical Engineering in 2017 with a thesis about the development of a process for wastewater treatment integrated with microalgae biomass production. He spent six months of his PhD at Wageningen University (Netherlands) in the Bioprocess Engineering group working on the development of methods to quantify cell to cell heterogeneity inside microalgae populations. From November 2016 to 2021 he worked in the Department of Chemistry at University Sapienza of Rome as research fellow, mainly working on developing selective processes to control bacteria contamination in non sterile heterotrophic and mixotrophic microalgal cultivations. Since December 2021 he is Assistant Professor (RTD-A) at Sapienza University of Rome in Theory and Development of Chemical Processes. He is authors of 38 scientific publications on international journals, inventor of a patent issued by the European Patent Office. He participated to 7 national and international research projects. Since 2023 he is member of the Editorial board of the journal Algal Research (Elsevier). He carries out teaching activity on the class "Sintesi e caratterizzazione di bio-nano-materiali".
Research activity
Scientific area: 
Industrial chemistry
Research activity: 
Production of fine chemicals from microalgae cultivations: In this research line both the "downstream" and "upstream" sections of microalgal processes are studied. For the downstream, new protocols and extraction processes are developed for separating molecules of high industrial interest from microalgal, as for instance carotenoids, starch and proteins. The aim is to minimize costs and environmental impacts of the conventional chemical industry. For the upstream, innovative cultivation processes are developed with the aim to control bacteria contamination in mixotrophic and heterotrophic bioreactors to select target microalgal strains. This activity is coupled with the development of innovative analytical methods to analyze cells at single cell level inside mixed microbial populations. Development of biosorption processes: In this research line innovative bioadsorbents are developed from agro-industrial by-products for the removal of heavy metals and other pollutants from contaminated water.
Supervisor of the following lines of research:
In the staff of the following lines of research:
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