Computational modelling of complex molecular systems Line of research By means of computational methods (mainly molecular dynamics) we characterize the structural and dynamical behavior of complex molecular systems such as small molecules, proteins, DNA and protein-DNA and protein-ligand complexes. For further information: Staff Supervisor: Marco D'AbramoDepartment staff: Giuseppe Chen ChengAlessandro Nicola NardiMaria Laura De SciscioAlessio Olivieri Publications A Stereochemically Driven Supramolecular PolymerisationStructure and dynamics of mesophilic variants from the homing endonuclease I-DmoIThe p53 tetramer shows an induced-fit interaction of the C-terminal domain with the DNA-binding domainEfficient and Accurate Modeling of Conformational Transitions in Proteins: The Case of c-Src Kinase Collaborations International collaborations: Oreste Acuto (Dunn School, Oxford University, UK)Rafael Molina (Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research, Copenaghen University DK)Pau Bernadò (Centre de Biochimie Structurale de Montpellier CNRS-INSERM, FR) Theme and ERC Theme: Biosystems and materials modellingERC: PE4_1 Physical chemistryPE4_11 Physical chemistry of biological systemsPE4_12 Chemical reactions: mechanisms, dynamics, kinetics and catalytic reactions Traineeship offer Area di ricerca: Physical chemistryAvailability: two positionsCourse of study (advised): ChemistryIndustrial chemistry