Complexes Thermodynamics. Solution equilibria Line of research A cation can be bioavailable if present as aquo ion or complexed. This research studies aqueous solutions at equilibrium. Identification of species means qualitative analysis, determination of stability constants and field of existence is quantitative. Reagent concentration is widely varied and the most number of parameters at equilibrium is measured . To obtain thermodynamic data, the "constant ionic medium", is adopted. It allows to assume as constant the reagents activity coefficients in spite of variation of their concentrations replacing till to 15% of the ions of ionic medium. More info Staff Supervisor: Maria Rosa FestaDepartment staff: Lorella Gentile Publications Properties of dihydroasparagusic acid and its use as an antidote against mercury(II) poisoningAn Investigation of Complexation of Cadmium(II) with ArginineHydrogen sulfide in thermal spring waters and its action on bacteria of human originAn Investigation on the Equilibria between Arginine and Iron(II) and Iron(III)Solubility and the Solubility Product of Some Calcium(II) Salts of Bile AcidsPotentiometric Investigation on the System Lead(II)-Arginine Theme and ERC Theme: Life-Sciences chemistryERC: PE2_14 ThermodynamicsPE4_5 Analytical chemistryPE5_9 Coordination chemistry Traineeship offer Area di ricerca: Analytical chemistryAvailability: two positionsCourse of study (advised): ChemistryIndustrial chemistryNotes: La disponibilità si riferisce a tesi di laurea triennale, specialistica o magistrale