Nanomedicine Rome 2018
The fifth edition of the international conference on Nanomedicine entitled NANOMEDICINE ROME 2018 will take place at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Rome, Italy) from Monday, June 18, to Wednesday, June 20, 2018.
The conference NANOMEDICINE ROME 2018, organized by the National Center for Drug Research and Evaluation of ISS and by the Institute of Chemical Methodologies of the CNR, intends to deepen the knowledge and applications of nanotechnologies in the biomedical field, highlighting the latest scientific advances in the areas of Diagnosis, Therapy, Drug delivery and Tissue Engineering.
Some of the most important personalities in the field of Nanomedicine will attend the conference: Patrick Couvrer, Fabrizio Gelain, Inge Katrin Herrmann, Jan Grimm, Carlotta Marianecci, Miguel Oliveira, Anna Salvati, Gert Storm, Thomas J. Webster and Frederik Wurm.
The newness connected to 2018 edition will be a school, NANOMEDICINE COURSE ROME 2018, dedicated to young scientists and focused on some of the methods and tools exploited in Nanomedicine; the school will take place soon after the Conference on June 21.
For information regarding the conference (registration, abstract submission, grants) and the school please follow the link in the 'Learn More' box.