Marco Petrangeli Papini

Full professor
Born in Rome on 16/01/1962, Marco Petangeli Papini is Full Professor (ING-IND / 25) at the Department of Chemistry where does education and research since 1995. Graduated with honors in Industrial Chemistry in 1990 and PhD in Chemical Sciences,1994. Currently holds the course of "Chemical Industrial Processes and Plant" and "Dynamics of Contaminants and Remediation of Polluted sites" in the frame of the Industrial Chemistry degree. Since 2010 is the Director of the II Level Master in "Characterization and Technology for the Remediation of Polluted Sites" of the Faculty of SMFN . He has written in this area ​​more than 100 international publications, such as research papers,books chapter, and conference proceedings. He is also author of five industrial patents and supervisor of over 40 Thesis in Industrial Chemistry and co-supervisor of numerous Thesis in Sanitary Engineering. Currently expert member of the technical committe at the Ministry of the Environment in charge for the evaluation of the remediation projects at the National Priority Sites and for the managing of the lafill emergency in Calabria. He is scientificc coordinator of several national and international scientific and operative project in the field of the remediation of contaminated sites.
Research activity
Scientific area: 
Industrial chemistry
Research activity: 
"Combined chemical-physical and biological processes for groundwater remediation" Groundwater contamination is one of the most relevant problems in the protection of the drinking water resources. The sustainable recovery of water contaminated by a complex spectrum of chemical compounds requires the development of combined processes able to use physical-chemical and biological mechanisms. The research includes the development of: processes and materials for the removal of chlorinated organic contaminants from contaminated groundwater by means of reductive processes and development of adsorbent materials for the removal of contaminants arising from petrochemical activities.
Scientific papers: 
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