He graduated in 1977. Formerly worked for Physical Chemistry courses in 1977, 1978, 1980, 1981. CNR grant in 1981. NATO grant in 982-1983. University researcher (1984-1992). Associate Professor in Physical Chemistry at La Sapienza (1992-2002). Actually he is Full Professor.
Holder of Elettrical Measurements, Physical Chemistry of Disperse Systems and Interfaces, Physical Chemistry of Interfaces, Physical Chemistry 3, Experimental Physical Chemistry Lab I, Physical Chemistry I Lab, Physical Chemistry I with Lab. In charge of several Bachelor, Master and Ph. D. theses.
He revised for J. Colloid Interface Sci., Colloids & Surf A e B, J. Phys. Chem. B e C, J. Chem. Phys., Soft Matter, Langmuir, etc. Formerly in the Advisory Editorial Board of J. Colloid Interface Sci. CEE Projects Coordinator (Cost Actions D5 e D36). Erasmus Mundus Teacher (Capo Verde 2012). Coordinator of the Ph. D. School in Chemical Sciences (2008-2013). Consultant for BASF e Procter & Gamble.
His research activity focused on chemical teaching, electrolyet/non electrolyte solutions. Recently active in the fields of association colloids: micelles, microemulsions, liquid-crystalline phases, gels, polymer-surfactant systems, vesicles, biopolymers, and their mixtures. Also interested in intrinsic colloids, nanoparticles and polymer wrapping thereon. Author of about 150 papers on refereed journals.