Anita Scipioni

Associate professor
Dr. Scipioni obtained the master degree in Chemistry summa cum laude at the University of Rome La Sapienza in1983. In the period October 1983-March 1984 received a grant from ENEA for research about the treatment of nuclear fuel. In the period April-October 1984 received a fellowship from Istituto Superiore di Sanità for research concerning the monitoring of heavy metals in biological fluids using Atomic Absorption. She received the PhD in Chemical Sciences in 1988. From 1988 up to 1995, she taught Chemistry in different Italian high schools. Since 1995 up to 2016 she has been researcher in the field of physical chemistry at the Department of Chemistry of the University La Sapienza of Rome. From 2016, she is associate professor of Physical Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry of the University La Sapienza of Rome. From 2000 up to the current year, she has taken different courses in the field of Physical Chemistry, Experimental Physical Chemistry and Biophysical Chemistry. In the period November 1, 2019-October 31, 2022, she was the Dean of the Bachelor and Master degree of Chemical Sciences. She is reviewer of Biophysical J., BMC Genomics, IOP Sciences, Interface Focus (Royal Society Publishing), Langmuir, Organic Letters, Chemical Physics Letters, Supramolecular Chemistry, ACS Applied Materials Interfaces, Advanced Materials Interfaces and Advanced Materials She was an external reviewer of European Research Council for ERC junior and The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). She obtained the Award for Excellent Teaching from the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences for the years 2014/2015 and 2016/2017. She co-chaired the Organizing Committee and was part of the Scientific Committee of the XLVII Italian Meeting of Physical Chemistry held in Rome (July 1-4, 2019) She is in the Organizing Committee of SILS Conference 2023 that will be in Rome (August 30-September 1, 2023)
Research activity
Scientific area: 
Physical chemistry
Research activity: 
Her scientific activity concerns theoretical and experimental investigations on biological macromolecules, peptides and proteins, nucleic acids, membranes and model systems investigated with original methods. At present, her main research interests are devoted to investigating structure and physicalchemical properties of self-assembling based-peptide hybrids, such as peptide-polymer conjugates, lipopeptides and bile salt-peptide derivatives for applications in nano-medicine. Very recently, she is involved in a project that focuses on peptide-based conjugates with antimicrobial activity. She is a participant of Sapienza Research Project Bile acids-based macromolecular antimicrobials for biomedical applications, 2022 and the project Rome Technopole, Flagship 7 "Advanced and automated innovation labs for diagnostic and therapeutic biopharma solutions", 2023.
Scientific papers: 
Available to students: 
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