Alessia Fantoni was born in Rome on 11/19/1994. In 2013 she obtained the scientific high school diploma at Archimede scientific high school in Rome. In 2017 she got the Bachelor's degree in Chemistry at University of Rome "La Sapienza" with final grade of 110/110 discussing the thesis entitled "Synthesis of water-soluble Salofen-Zinc complexes" under the supervision of Prof. Antonella Dalla Cort. In May 2020 she obtained master's degree in Chemistry (Organic and Biomolecular) at the same university, with final grade of 110/110 cum laude. The thesis work, entitled "Functionalization of gold nanoparticles with supramolecular receptors for sensing applications", was carried out at the laboratory of Prof. Antonella dalla Cort in collaboration with the research group EMNS (Engineering of Molecular NanoSystems) at the University of Brussels (ULB), where he worked for 3 months . In November 2020 she obtained a PhD scholarship in Chemical Sciences at the University of Rome "La Sapienza", under the supervision of Prof. Antonella Dalla Cort, carrying out research activities in the field of synthesis and characterization of organic supramolecular receptors.