Department Board

The Department Board, chaired by the Department Head and consisting of all professors, researchers who are part of the Department, the Department Manager, as secretary, TAL staff and students (PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, researcher assistants and Degree students) representatives.

The Department Board components are elected by peer Departments members and remain in office for two academic years.

The Department Board carries out all tasks foreseen by the legal norms ruling the university functioning, and in particular: 

  • Elects the Department Head
  • Dictates general criteria to allocate resources by the University for research activities
  • Approves the annual strategic development plan of the Department, regarding actions related to research activities, based on the general criteria and limits, as established by the Academic Senate
  • Formulates, consistently with the strategic development plan, the proposals regarding the employment and development of careers of professors and researchers
  • Deliver opinions in order to Lecturer
  • Approves the proposals regarding establishment of PhD programmes related to the Department
  • Makes proposals and decisions regarding to Research, Research and Service, and Interuniversity Centres memberships
  • Deliver opinions, on demand of the Academic Senate, about proposal to set up such Centres
  • Establishes the provisions for the regulations of the Library, Department services structure, and Department teaching activities, based on the general criteria and limits, as established by the Academic Senate. To this end makes available the necessary resources
  • Deliver opinions and makes proposals to Faculty Council regarding teaching activities programming and testing
  • Resolution on Department affiliation applications by teachers
  • Approves the budget and final balance sheet of the Department, according to Administration, Finance and Accounting University Regulation
  • Cooperates in the University government organs and in National Planning Organs
Claudia Pistis
TAL staff representatives
Marco Ballerini
Giorgio Capuani
Alessandro Ciuffoli
Patrizia Foglia
Raffaella Gianferri
Bernardino Grattarola
Dario Martella
Marina Spagoni
PhD students representatives
Fellow representatives
Alessandra Del Giudice
Fabio Sciubba
Students representatives
Mirko Buzio



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