
Recent History of the Chemistry Department

By Errico Zeuli

In the academic year 1934-35, at the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences of the Royal University of Rome, was already possible to achieve the Degrees in Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics or Natural Sciences. The courses closely concerning chemistry were held at the Chemical Institute, located in Via Panisperna 89B. In that year, Faculty Head was H.E. Nicola Parravano, Academic of Italy, at which is dedicated the representatives Hall of the Department.

Illustrious professors held the courses for Degree in Chemistry students; among them: 

  • Giuseppe Tommasi (Agricultural Chemistry)
  • Paul Agostini (Analytical Chemistry)
  • Guido Bargellini (Chemistry of war)
  • Giorgio Roberti (Physical Chemistry)
  • Nicola Parravano (Inorganic Chemistry)
  • Mario Giordani (Industrial Chemistry)
  • Guido Bargellini (Organic Chemistry)
  • Orso Maria Corbino (Experimental Physics)
  • Enrico Fermi (Theoretical Physics)
  • Gian Alberto Blanc (Geochemistry)
  • Edoardo Amaldi (Mathematics for chemicals)

An excellent staff who relocated shortly thereafter into new headquarters of the Chemical Institute, built in the current University, adjacent to the main Hospital.

The Chemical Institute at the University City in an old photo (1932 to 1935).

The Chemistry Museum preserves the building construction plans, who show the modernity of the project that included centralized services for the waste water discharge, gas, hot and cold water, water and air under pressure and also, in each laboratory, distribution panels 24V DC and AC, single and three phase. On the roof were caissons to ensure the water supply, while in the basement were inspectable the supply pipes of services and a cistern...

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