Dynamics of elementary chemical reactions Line of research 1) Study of photodissociation dynamics of alkyl radicals by means of UV photofragment translational spectroscopy. Determination of the primary photodissociation channels and their relative abundances. These studies are directed to systems of interest in the chemistry of Earth's and planetary atmospheres like Titan. 2) Study of bimolecular reaction dynamics using the crossed molecular beam technique. Measurement of differential cross sections of the primary reactive channels and their relative abundances. Interests facing the combustion chemistry of hydrocarbons. Staff Supervisor: Domenico Stranges Publications Combined Experimental-Theoretical Study of the OH + CO → H + CO2 Reaction DynamicsIsomer-Specific Chemistry in the Propyne and Allene Reactions with Oxygen Atoms: CH3CH + CO versus CH2CH2 + CO ProductsOn the photodissociation of isopropyl radical: rooming mechanism in the H2+C3H5 dissociation channelThe Dynamics of Allyl Radical DissociationMeasurements of Ionization Cross Sections by Molecular Beam Experiments: Information Content on the Imaginary Part of the Optical PotentialDirected Gas-Phase Formation of the Ethynylsulfidoboron Molecule Collaborations National collaborations: Prof. Casavecchia Piergiorgio - Univ. Perugia, DIPARTIMENTO DI CHIMICA,BIOLOGIA E BIOTECNOLOGIE Prof.ssa Balucani Nadia - Univ. Perugia, DIPARTIMENTO DI CHIMICA,BIOLOGIA E BIOTECNOLOGIE Dott. Falcinelli Stefano - Univ. Perugia, DIPARTIMENTO DI INGEGNERIA CIVILE ED AMBIENTALEInternational collaborations: Prof. Kaiser Ralf I. - Dep. Chemistry, Univ. Hawaii at Manoa (USA)Prof. Houston Paul L. - Dep. Chemistry and Biochemistry, Cornell University (USA)Prof. Robert E. Continetti - Dep. Chemistry and Biochemistry, Univ. of California, S. Diego (USA) Fundings and awards Fundings: PRIN 2010-2011. Studi di frontiera in spettroscopia e dinamica molecolare: da sistemi molecolari semplici ad aggregati supramolecolari e materiali avanzati Professori Visitatori per la Ricerca - anno: 2013 Univ. La Sapienza (Prof. Robert E. Continetti)Ricerche Universitarie - Univ. La Sapienza. Processi Indotti da Radiazione Laser UV in Molecole Isolate e Transienti (Radicali Liberi) Theme and ERC Theme: Life-Sciences chemistryERC: PE4_1 Physical chemistryPE4_12 Chemical reactions: mechanisms, dynamics, kinetics and catalytic reactionsPE4_13 Theoretical and computational chemistry Traineeship offer Area di ricerca: Physical chemistryAvailability: two positionsCourse of study (advised): Chemistry