Seminario di Grigorian Souren
Ilaria Fratoddi is pleased to invite you to the seminar:
In Situ and Operando Approaches for Advanced Functional Materials
di Souren Grigorian
Soft Matter Group, University of Siegen (Germany)
The importance of eco-friendly and smart electronics has been increased in recent years. This interest was initiated by the future development of newly synthesized and more effective materials, among them taking particular attention to the structural optimizations of thin films and monolayer assemblies. Nowadays the real working prototypes of various devices based on organic/inorganic materials are already existing or under commissioning. In the talk novel approaches for the microstructural characterization of organic/hybrid materials, among them real time characterization of working devices will be highlighted. Such devices exhibit a unique combination of effective electronic conjugation, chemical stability and synthetic flexibility making them attractive for various applications. It will be also addressed the advantages of microstructural investigations using novel synchrotron radiation sources with exceptional opportunities to observe the structural features down to nanoscale. A possibility to implement such novel approaches and to develop international network at the Chemistry Department of Sapienza University will be also discussed.
The seminar will be held in Parravano Room (floor 1st, Building S. Cannizzaro) on Wednesday 20 April at 2.30 pm.
It can be followed on Google Meet platform at link meet.google.com/hkc-fhtq-cie.
Grigorian Souren
Souren is head of Soft Matter Physics Group, research group including post-doc, PhD and master students, at University of Siegen, Germany.
He is specialized in Physical Chemistry, Chemistry of Materials and Inorganic Chemistry with valuable experience in advanced studies of the structure-property relationships (in particular, at the different European synchrotron radiation facilities) focusing to the following directions
- Surface-sensitive X-ray techniques, development of in situ X-ray methods for investigations of multifunctional novel materials
- Microstructural characterization of advanced functional materials, optimization of active layers of smart devices with novel metal nanoparticles
- Mesoscale in situ studies of working devices, direct correlation of microstructures and optoelectronic properties of complex hybrid organic/inorganic networks
- Flexible and printed inorganic and hybrid electronics, microstructural studies of stability and alteration of solar cells, field effect transistors