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Polyhydroxyalkanoates: The Exciting Journey to Develop Circular Bioeconomy Applications - Seminario di Josè Maria Lagaron, Spanish Council for Scientific Research, Spain

Monday, 12 July, 2021

Marianna Villano è lieta di invitarvi al seminario di dipartimento:

Polyhydroxyalkanoates: The Exciting Journey to Develop Circular Bioeconomy Applications

di Josè Maria Lagaron
Spanish Council for Scientific Research

Il seminario si terrà in Sala Parravano lunedì 19 luglio alle ore 15.00.

È possibile partecipare anche da remoto:


This presentation will gather the recent efforts carried out within our research group to characterise and develop applications for polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), using both commercial grades, and experimental materials developed within several EU projects using the technology of Mixed Microbial Cultures (MMC).

The talk will provide first our current understanding of the structure-properties-processing relationship in PHA, and the existing challenges for their industrial implementation, then it will follow up with the technological strategies undertaking by our team to provide solutions, using the unique properties of PHA, to overcome existing hurdles in areas such as food packaging, adhesives, coatings and filtration.

Josè Maria Lagaron

José Maria Lagaron

Josè MariaLagaron is Group Leader and Founder of the group Novel Materials and Nanotechnology at the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA) of the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) located in Valencia, Spain.

He is also Head of the Joint Unit IATA(CSIC)-University Jaume I in Polymers Technology.

Lagaron has published more than 310 peer reviewed papers and several books, holds more than 60 patents, and is also Founder of several technology based companies, the largest of which is the Bioinicia Group.

Other highlights:

  • MSc in Chemical Sciences at the University of Valladolid (Spain)
  • PhD in Physical Sciences (Polymer Physics) at the University of Valladolid (Spain)
  • Worked for several years at DSM Research (The Netherlands) and BP Chemicals (UK) as Research Associate
  • President of the Spanish Section of the Society of Plastics Engineers-SPE
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal J. Appl. Polym. Sci., Nanomaterials and Applied Sciences
  • Associated Editor in Frontiers in Sustainable Food Processing
  • Vocal of the Executive Board of the "Royal Spanish Society of Physics and Chemistry (Polymers Group)"
  • Vocal of the Executive Board of the Valencia Region Biotechnology Association, BIOVAL
  • EU Innovation Radar Award for best Early Stage Innovation within the EU in 2018
  • Coordinator of the EU H2020 projects YPACK and USABLE PACKAGING

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