Department seminar

Friday, 9 March, 2018

Structure and Dynamics of Ionic Liquids from Atomistic Simulations 

March 14, 2018, at 10.30
Sala Parravano, Edificio Cannizzaro
Dipartimento di Chimica

Speaker: Edward J. Maginn, University of Notre Dame, USA
Proponent: Dott.ssa Olga Russina

Ionic liquids (ILs) are pure salts that are liquid near ambient temperatures. They have several unique properties such as a tunable structure, a low vapor pressure, good solvation ability, high thermal stability and slow dynamics at room temperature. These properties make ILs attractive for many applications such as mass spectrometry, chemical separation, pharmaceuticals, solar thermal energy, and carbon capture. Understanding the fundamental structure-dynamics relationship of ILs is the key to optimizing their use in various applications...

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