Awards for excellent university teaching
Friday, 28 February, 2020
The award is given every year to about 5% of the faculty teachers to remark inside and outside our community that, together with research, teaching is among the University missions, an institutional priority.
Teachers who received the most reports from the Student Opinion Survey (OPIS) in the Faculty, for our department, are:
- Enrico Bodo
- Sergio Brutti
- Silvia Canepari
- Filippo Cesi
- Paola D'Angelo
- Stefano Di Stefano
- Ilaria Fratoddi
- Luciano Galantini
- Alessandra Gentili
- Patrizia Gentili
- Osvaldo Lanzalunga
- Francesca Leonelli
- Federico Marini
- Andrea Giacomo Marrani
- Giancarlo Masci
- Giuliano Moretti
- Simone Morpurgo
- Marco Petrangeli Papini
- Anita Scipioni
- Robertino Zanoni
As usual there are also awards for teachers who teach outside the Faculty. Those that have received the best ratings, in terms of OPIS are, for our department:
- Alessandro Bacaloni
- Giuliano Moretti