Venanzio Raglione was born in Avezzano on March 13, 1994. He graduated from I.I.S. Ettore Maiorana with the title of PERITO INDUSTRIALE CAPOTECNICO - CHEMICAL specialization in July 2013 with a mark of 100/100 cum laude. Enrolled in the Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry at the University of Rome La Sapienza, he obtained the title cum laude on 14/07/2016 under the supervision of Professor Lucio Pellacani and Professor Stefania Fioravanti. On July 27, 2018 he graduated in Chemistry (Organic-Biomolecular) at the University of Rome La Sapienza with a score of 110/110 cum laude discussing the thesis titled "Base-catalyzed addition of trifluoromethylated hydrazones on alfa,beta-unsaturated diketones" under the supervision of Professor Stefania Fioravanti. He is currently PhD student in Chemical Sciences (XXXIV Cycle). He dealed with the synthesis, development and characterization of graphene nanoparticles for the delivery of anticancer drugs but now he deal with the synthesis, characterization and application of new amphiphile compound, useful molecules as functional materials precursors under the supervision of Dott. Andrea D'Annibale.