Edoardo Dell’Armi

PhD student in Chemistry engineering of processes
Edoardo Dell'Armi was born in Rome il 17/09/1995, in october 2017 has earned bachelor degree in Industrial Chemistry with a grade of 110 e lode su 110 defending a dissertation entitled "studio di un reattore bioelettrochimico a tre camere per la purificazione del Biogas" supervised by professor Mauro Majone . In october 2019 has earned master degree in Industrial Chemistry with a grade of 110 e lode su 110 defending a dissertation entitled "Studio di un sistema bioelettrochimico sequenziale riduttivo/ossidativo per il trattamento di acque contaminate da percloroetilene" always supervised by professor Mauro Majone . During his studies he was the winner of the collaboration scolarship for Analytical Chemistry Laboratory for Chemistry and for Industrial Chemistry, in 2016 and 2018 respectively. From november 2019 is a Ph.D. student in Chemical Processes for Industry and Enviroment in the Chemistry Department of the University of Rome "La Sapienza".
Research activity
Scientific area: 
Industrial chemistry
Research activity: 
Electrochemically-assisted bioremediation processes: This research project focuses on the development of novel in situ bioelectrochemical process (BES) based on the use of microorganisms attached to solid carbon electrodes (to be inserted within the contaminated aquifer) that catalyze the reductive and/or oxidative biotransformation of chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons in the groundwater into harmless end-products.
In the staff of the following lines of research:
Scientific papers: 

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