The Laboratory is regulated by a collaboration agreement entered into by the six Departments (Environmental Biology, Biology and Biotechnology "Charles Darwin", Chemistry, Chemistry and Drug Technologies and Experimental Medicine). The agreement provides for the payment of an annual membership fee for each Department, in order to cover the ordinary annual expenses of the Laboratory. For this purpose, a management fund (project) was opened at the Department of Chemistry, in which premises the instrument is located. This solution simplifies the procedure for the costs of supplying liquid and gaseous nitrogen and for the helium refill service. This fund also includes the shares of the other Departments of Sapienza, as defined in the price list. Budgets from external services will be paid into appropriate funds to the Department of Chemistry or to the other Departments according to the specific agreement.
The collaboration agreement among the six Departments defines the machine-time (60% of the time is dedicated to researches and collaborations of the six Departments and the remaining 40% is dedicated to researches requested by other Sapienza Departments or by external public institutions or privates); it also defines the possible updating of the price list and regulates access for personnel authorized to the equipment usage.