- J.-M. Roger, A. Biancolillo, F. Marini, “Sequential preprocessing through ORThogonalization (SPORT) and its application to near infrared spectroscopy”, Chemometr. Intell. Lab. Syst., 199 (2020) 103975.
- A. Biancolillo, M.A. Maggi, A. De Martino, F. Marini, F. Ruggieri, A.A. D’Archivio, “Authentication of PDO saffron of L’Aquila (Crocus sativus L.) by HPLC-DAD coupled with a discriminant multi-way approach”, Food Contr., 110 (2020) 107022.
- P. Firmani, A. Nardecchia, F. Nocente, L. Gazza, F. Marini, A. Biancolillo, “Multi-block classification of Italian semolina based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR) analysis and alveographic indices”, Food Chem., 309 (2020) 125677.
- M. Ryckewaert, N. Gorretta, F. Henriot, F. Marini, J.-M. Roger, “Reduction of repeatability error for analysis of variance-Simultaneous Component Analysis (REP-ASCA): Application to NIR spectroscopy on coffee sample”, Anal. Chim. Acta, 1101 (2020) 23-31.
- A. Biancolillo, M.A. Maggi, S. Bassi, F. Marini, A.A. D’Archivio, “Retention modelling of phenoxy acid herbicides in reversed-phase HPLC under gradient elution”, Molecules, 25 (2020) 1262.
- A. Biancolillo, F. Marini, A.A. D’Archivio, “Geographical discrimination of red garlic (Allium sativum L.) using fast and non-invasive Attenuated Total Reflectance-Fourier Transformed Infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy combined with chemometrics”, J. Food Compos. Anal., 86 (2020) 103351.
- S. Schiavone, B. Marchionni, R. Bucci, F. Marini, A. Biancolillo, “Authentication of Grappa (Italian grape marc spirit) by Mid and Near Infrared spectroscopies coupled with chemometrics”, Vibr. Spectrosc., 107 (2020) 103040.
- A. Botticelli, P. Vernocchi, F. Marini, A. Quagliariello, B. Cerbelli, S. Reddel, F. Del Chierico, F. Di Pietro, R. Giusti, A. Tomassini, O. Giampaoli, A. Miccheli, I.G. Zizzari, M. Nuti, L. Putignani, P. Marchetti, “Gut metabolomics profiling of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients under immunotherapy treatment”, J. Translat. Med., 18 (2020) 49.
- A. Biancolillo, F. Marini, J.-M. Roger, “SO-CovSel: A novel method for variable selection in a multiblock framework”, J. Chemometr., 34 (2020) e3120.
- G. Rabatel, F. Marini, B. Walczak, J.-M. Roger, “VSN: Variable sorting for normalization”, J. Chemometr. 34 (2020) e3164.
- F. Marini, “Orthogonal PLS (O-PLS) and related algorithms”, J. Chemometr. 34 (2020) e3214.
- P. Firmani, G. La Piscopia, R. Bucci, F. Marini, A. Biancolillo, “Authentication of P.G.I. Gragnano pasta by near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and chemometrics”, Microchem. J., 152 (2020) 104339.
- A. Picca, F.R. Ponziani, R. Calvani, F. Marini, A. Biancolillo, H.J. Coelho-Junior, J. Gervasoni, A. Primiano, L. Putignani, F. Del Chierico, S. Reddel, A. Gasbarrini, F. Landi, R. Bernabei, E. Marzetti, “Gut microbial, inflammatory and metabolic signatures in older people with physical frailty and sarcopenia: Results from the BIOSPHERE study”, Nutrients, 12 (2020) 65.
- R. Calvani, L. Rodriguez-Mañas, A. Picca, F. Marini, A. Biancolillo, O. Laosa, L. Pedraza, J. Gervasoni, A. Primiano, G. Conta, L. Bourdel-Marchasson, S.C. Regueme, R. Bernabei, E. Marzetti, A.J. Sinclair, G. Gambassi, “Identification of a circulating amino acid signature in frail older persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus: Results from the metabofrail study”, Nutrients, 12 (2020) 199.
- R. Calvani, L. Rodriguez-Mañas, A. Picca, F. Marini, A. Biancolillo, O. Laosa, L. Pedraza, J. Gervasoni, A. Primiano, A. Miccheli, L. Bourdel-Marchasson, S.C. Regueme, R. Bernabei, E. Marzetti, A.J. Sinclair, G. Gambassi, European MID-Frail Consortium, “The “Metabolic biomarkers of frailty in older people with type 2 diabetes mellitus” (MetaboFrail) study: Rationale, design and methods”, Exp. Gerontol., 129 (2020) 110782.
- A. Biancolillo, A. Santoro, P. Firmani, F. Marini, “Identification and Quantification of Turmeric Adulteration in Egg-Pasta by Near Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics”, Appl. Sci. 10 (2020) 2647.
- A. Picca, D. Ronconi, H.J. Coelho-Junior, R. Calvani, F. Marini, A. Biancolillo, J. Gervasoni, A. Primiano, C. Pais, E. Meloni, D. Fusco, M.R. Lo Monaco, R. Bernabei, M.C. Cipriani, E. Marzetti, R. Liperoti, “The “develOpment of metabolic and functional markers of Dementia IN Older people” (ODINO) Study: Rationale, Design and Methods”, J. Pers. Med. 10 (2020) 22.
- F. Marini, M. Tomassetti, M. Piacentini, L. Campanella, P. Flamini, “Application of near infrared spectroscopy (NIR), X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and chemometrics to the differentiation of marmora samples from the Mediterranean basin”, Nat. Prod. Res., 33 (2019) 1006-1014.
- D. Zappi, S. Gabriele, L. Gontrani, D. Dini, C. Sadun, F. Marini, M.L. Antonelli, “Biologically friendly room temperature ionic liquids and nanomaterials for the development of innovative enzymatic biosensors: Part II”, Talanta, 194 (2019) 26-31.
- J.V. Rau, F. Marini, M. Fosca, C. Cippitelli, M. Rocchia, A. Di Napoli, “Raman spectroscopy discriminates malignant follicular lymphoma from benign follicular hyperplasia and from tumour metastasis”, Talanta, 194 (2019) 763-770.
- A. Biancolillo, P. Firmani, R. Bucci, A.D. Magrì, F. Marini, “Determination of insect infestation on stored rice by near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy”, Microchem. J., 145 (2019) 252-258.
- V. Caponigro, F. Marini, R.M. Dorrepaal, A. Herrero-Langreo, A.G.M. Scannell, A.A. Gowen, “Raman and Fourier transform infrared hyperspectral imaging to study dairy residues on different surface”, J. Spectral Imaging, 8 (2019) a3.
- A. Biancolillo, M. Tomassetti, R. Bucci, S. Izzo, F. Candilio, F. Marini, “Ancient human bones studied and compared by near infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetry and chemometrics”, J. Near Infrared Spec., 27 (2019) 6-14.
- E. Brasili, N.M.A. Hassimotto, F. Del Chierico, F. Marini, A. Quagliariello, F. Sciubba, A. Miccheli, L. Putignani, F. Lajolo, “Daily Consumption of Orange Juice from Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck cv. Cara Cara and cv. Bahia Differently Affects Gut Microbiota Profiling as Unveiled by an Integrated Meta-Omics Approach”, J. Agric. Food Chem., 67 (2019) 1381-1391.
- P. Firmani, S. De Luca, R. Bucci, F. Marini, A. Biancolillo, “Near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy-based classification for the authentication of Darjeeling black tea”, Food Contr., 100 (2019) 292-299.
- C. Ingallina, A. Cerreto, L. Mannina, S. Circi, S. Vista, D. Capitani, M. Spano, A.P. Sobolev, F. Marini, “Extra-Virgin Olive Oils from Nine Italian Regions: An 1H NMR-Chemometric Characterization”, Metabolites, 9 (2019) 65.
- L. Strani, S. Grassi, E. Casiraghi, C. Alamprese, F. Marini, “Milk Renneting: Study of Process Factor Influences by FT-NIR Spectroscopy and Chemometrics”, Food Bioproc. Technol., 12 (2019) 954-963.
- M. Casale, C. Malegori, F. Marini, “VIII Italian Symposium on Near Infrared Spectroscopy – NIRItalia 2018”, J. Near Infrared Spectrosc., 27 (2019) 3-5.H. Vu Dang, F. Marini, “Editorial: Chemometrics-based Spectroscopy for Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis”, Front. Chem., 7 (2019) 153.
- E.K. Kemsley, M. Defernez, F. Marini, “Multivariate statistics: Considerations and confidences in food authenticity problems”, Food Contr., 105 (2019) 102-112.
- V. Giannetti, M. Boccacci Mariani, F. Marini, P. Torrelli, A. Biancolillo, “Flavour fingerprint for the differentiation of Grappa from other Italian distillates by GC-MS and chemometrics”, Food Contr., 105 (2019) 123-130.
- V. Giannetti, M. Boccacci Mariani, P. Torrelli, F. Marini, “Flavour component analysis by HS-SPME/GC–MS and chemometric modeling to characterize Pilsner-style Lager craft beers”, Microch. J., 149 (2019) 103991.
- P. Firmani, R. Bucci, F. Marini, A. Biancolillo, “Authentication of “Avola almonds” by near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and chemometrics”, J. Food Compos. Anal., 82 (2019) 103235.
- E. Marzetti, A. Picca, F. Marini, A. Biancolillo, H.J. Coelho-Junior, J. Gervasoni, M. Bossola, M. Cesari, G. Onder, F. Landi, R. Bernabei, R. Calvani, “Inflammatory signatures in older persons with physical frailty and sarcopenia: The frailty “cytokinome” at its core”, Exp. Gerontol., 122 (2019) 129-138.
- A. Quaranta, I. Karlsson, L. Ndreu, F. Marini, M. Ingelsson, G. Thorsén, Glycosylation profiling of selected proteins in cerebrospinal fluid from Alzheimer’s disease and healthy subjects”, Anal. Meth., 11 (2019) 3331-3340.
- B.T. Herrera, S.R. Moor, M. McVeigh, E.K. Roesner, F. Marini, E.V. Anslyn, “Rapid Optical Determination of Enantiomeric Excess, Diastereomeric Excess, and Total Concentration Using Dynamic-Covalent Assemblies: A Demonstration Using 2-Aminocyclohexanol and Chemometrics”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 141 (2019) 11151-11160.
- A. Picca, H. Coelho-Junior, M. Cesari, F. Marini, A. Miccheli, J. Gervasoni, M. Bossola, F. Landi, R. Bernabei, E. Marzetti, R. Calvani, “The metabolomics side of frailty: Towards personalized medicine for the aged”, Exp. Gerontol. 126 (2019) 110692.
- Picca, R. Calvani, G. Landi, F. Marini, A. Biancolillo, J. Gervasoni, S. Persichilli, A. Primiano, A. Urbani, M. Bossola, A.R. Bentivoglio, M. Cesari, F. Landi, R. Bernabei, E. Marzetti, M.R. Lo Monaco, “Circulating amino acid signature in older people with Parkinson’s disease: A metabolic complement to the EXosomes in PArkiNson Disease (EXPAND) study”, Exp. Gerontol., 128 (2019) 110766.
- A. Palermo, M. Fosca, G. Tabacco, F. Marini, V. Graziani, M.C. Santarsia, F. Longo, A. Lauria, R. Cesareo, I. Giovannoni, C. Taffon, M. Rocchia, S. Manfrini, P. Crucitti, P. Pozzilli, A. Crescenzi, J.V. Rau, “Raman Spectroscopy Applied to Parathyroid Tissues: A New Diagnostic Tool to Discriminate Normal Tissue from Adenoma”, Anal. Chem., 90 (2018) 847-854.
- V. Moreira, E. Brasili, J. Fiamoncini, F. Marini, A. Miccheli, H. Daniel, J.J. Hye Lee, N.M. Aymoto Hassimotto, F.M. Lajolo, “Orange juice affects acylcarnitine metabolism in healthy volunteers as revealed by a mass-spectrometry based metabolomics approach”, Food Res. Int., 107 (2018) 346-352.
- V. Caponigro, F. Marini, A. Gowen, “Hydration of hydrogels studied by near-infrared hyperspectral imaging”, J. Chemometr., 32 (2018) e2972.
- R. Calvani, A. Picca, M. Cesari, M. Tosato, F. Marini, E. Manes-Gravina, R. Bernabei, F. Landi, E. Marzetti, “Biomarkers for sarcopenia: Reductionism vs. complexity”, Curr. Protein Pept. Sci., 19 (2018) 639-642.
- K.H. Liland, A. Smilde, F. Marini, T. Naes, “Confidence ellipsoids for ASCA models based on multivariate regression theory”, J. Chemometr., 32 (2018) e2990.
- P. Firmani, S. Hugelier, F. Marini, C. Ruckebusch, “MCR-ALS of hyperspectral images with spatio-spectral fuzzy clustering constraint”, Chemometr. Intell. Lab. Syst., 179 (2018) 85-91.
- S. De Luca, E. Ciotoli, A. Biancolillo, R. Bucci, A.D. Magrì, F. Marini, “Simultaneous quantification of caffeine and chlorogenic acid in coffee green beans and varietal classification of the samples by HPLC-DAD coupled with chemometrics”, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 25 (2018) 28748-28759.
- F. Tombolini, D. Pigini, G. Tranfo, E. Paci, I. Carosi, F. Marini, L. Bauleo, C. Ancona, F. Forastiere, “Levels of urinary metabolites of four PAHs and cotinine determined in 1016 volunteers living in Central Italy”, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 25 (2018) 28772-28779.
- A. Biancolillo, S. De Luca, S. Bassi, L. Roudier, R. Bucci, A.D. Magrì, F. Marini, “Authentication of an Italian PDO hazelnut (“Nocciola Romana”) by NIR spectroscopy”, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 25 (2018) 28780-28786.
- A. Apriceno, R. Bucci, A.M. Girelli, F. Marini, L. Quattrocchi, “5-Hydroxymethyl furfural determination in Italian honeys by a fast near infrared spectroscopy”, Microchem. J., 143 (2018) 140-144.
- R.G. Brereton, J. Jansen, J. Lopes, F. Marini, A. Pomerantsev, O. Rodionova, J.M. Roger, B. Walczak, R. Tauler, “Chemometrics in analytical chemistry—part II: modeling, validation, and applications”, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 410 (2018) 6691-6704.
- R. Vitale, F. Marini, C. Ruckebusch, “SIMCA modeling for overlapping classes: fixed or optimized decision threshold?”, Anal. Chem., 90 (2018) 10738-10747.
- E. Amante, E. Alladio, A. Salomone, M. Vincenti, F. Marini, G. Alleva, S. De Luca, F. Porpiglia, “Correlation between chronological and physiological age of males from their multivariate urinary endogenous steroid profile and prostatic carcinoma-induced deviation”, Steroids, 139 (2018) 10-17.
- R. Calvani, A. Picca, F. Marini, A. Biancolillo, M. Cesari, V. Pesce, A.M. Serena Lezza, M. Bossola, C. Leeuwenburgh, R. Bernabei, F. Landi, E. Marzetti, “The “BIOmarkers associated with Sarcopenia and PHysical frailty in EldeRly pErsons” (BIOSPHERE) study: Rationale, design and methods”, Eur. J. Intern. Med., 56 (2018) 19-25.
- R. Calvani, A. Picca, F. Marini, A. Biancolillo, J. Gervasoni, S. Persichilli, A. Primiano, H.J. Coelho-Junior, M. Bossola, A. Urbani, F. Landi, R. Bernabei, E. Marzetti, “A Distinct Pattern of Circulating Amino Acids Characterizes Older Persons with Physical Frailty and Sarcopenia: Results from the BIOSPHERE Study”, Nutrients, 10 (2018) 1691.
- P. Vernocchi, F. Del Chierico, A. Russo, F. Majo, M. Rossitto, M. Valerio, L. Casadei, A.L. Storia, F. De Filippis, C. Rizzo, C. Manetti, P. Paci, D. Ercolini, F. Marini, E. Fiscarelli, B. Dallapiccola, V. Lucidi, A. Miccheli, L. Putignani, “Gut microbiota signatures in cystic fibrosis: Loss of host CFTR function drives the microbiota enterophenotype”, PLoS ONE, 13 (2018) e0208171.
- S. Ghanavati Nasab, A. Semnani, F. Marini, A. Biancolillo, “Prediction of viscosity index and pour point in ester lubricants using quantitative structure-property relationship (QSPR)”, Chemometr. Intell. Lab. Syst., 183 (2018) 59-78.
- A. Biancolillo, F. Marini, “Chemometric Methods for Spectroscopy-Based Pharmaceutical Analysis”, Front. Chem., 6 (2018) 576.
- A. Vignoli, D.M. Rodio, A. Bellizzi, A.P. Sobolev, E. Anzivino, M. Mischitelli, L. Tenori, F. Marini, R. Priori, R. Scrivo, G. Valesini, A. Francia, M. Morreale, M.R. Ciardi, M. Iannetta, C. Campanella, D. Capitani, C. Luchinat, V. Pietropaolo, L. Mannina, “NMR-based metabolomic approach to study urine samples of chronic inflammatory rheumatic disease patients”, Anal. Bioanal. Chem,. 409 (2017) 1405-1413.
- A. Guelpa, F. Marini, A. du Plessis, R. Slabbert, M. Manley, “Verification of authenticity and fraud detection in South African honey using NIR spectroscopy”, Food Contr. 73 (2017) 1388-1396.
- R. Nescatelli, S. Carradori, F. Marini, V. Caponigro, R. Bucci, C. De Monte, A. Mollica, L. Mannina, M. Ceruso, C.T. Supuran, D. Secci, “Geographical characterization by MAE-HPLC and NIR methodologies and carbonic anhydrase inhibition of Saffron components”, Food Chem., 221 (2017) 855-863.
- F. Marini, D. de Beer, N.A. Walters, A. de Villiers, E. Joubert, B. Walczak, “Multivariate analysis of variance of designed chromatographic data. A case study involving fermentation of rooibos tea”, J. Chromatogr. A, 1489 (2017) 115-125.
- R. Calvani, F. Marini, M. Cesari, M. Tosato, A. Picca, S.D. Anker, S. von Haehling, R.R. Miller, R. Bernabei, F. Landi, E. Marzetti. For the SPRINTT Consortium, “Biomarkers for physical frailty and sarcopenia”, Aging Clin. Exp. Res., 29 (2017) 29-34.
- V. Giannetti, M. Boccacci Mariani, P. Mannino, F. Marini, “Volatile fraction analysis by HS-SPME/GC-MS and chemometric modeling for traceability of apples cultivated in the Northeast Italy”, Food Contr., 78 (2017) 215-221.
- M.L. Spagnuolo, F. Marini, L.A. Sarabia, M.C. Ortiz, “Migration test of Bisphenol A from polycarbonate cups using excitation-emission fluorescence data with parallel factor analysis”, Talanta, 167 (2017) 367-378.
- M. Tomassetti, F. Marini, R. Bucci, A. Coppa, L. Campanella, “Comparison of NIR Spectroscopy Coupled to Chemometrics and Derivative
Thermogravimetry for Relative Dating of Human Fossil Bones”, J.
Therm. Anal. Calorim., 130 (2017) 559-565. - R.G. Brereton, J. Jansen, J. Lopes, F. Marini, A. Pomerantsev, O. Rodionova, J.M. Roger, B. Walczak, R. Tauler, “Chemometrics in analytical chemistry—part I: history, experimental design and data analysis tools”, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 409 (2017) 5891-5899.
- M. Bevilacqua, R. Bro, F. Marini, Å. Rinnan, M.A. Rasmussen, T. Skov, “Recent chemometrics advances for Foodomics”, Trends Anal. Chem., 96 (2017) 42-51.
- G. Tranfo, D. Pigini, E. Paci, F. Marini, R.C. Bonanni, “Association of exposure to benzene and smoking with oxidative damage to nucleic acids by means of biological monitoring of general population volunteers”, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 24 (2017) 13885-13894.
- M. Tomassetti, F. Marini, R. Bucci, A. Coppa, L. Campanella, “Human fossil bones: archaeometric classification using chemometrics and
thermogravimetry. Influence of skeleton fossilization and its anatomical parts”, Microchem. J., 124 (2016) 396-401. - M. Tomassetti, F. Marini, R. Bucci, L. Campanella “A survey on innovative dating methods in archaeometry with focus on fossil bones”, Trends Anal. Chem., 79 (2016) 371-379.
- E. Brasili, A. Miccheli, F. Marini, G. Praticò, M.E. Di Cocco, F. Sciubba, V. Cechinel-Filho, N. Tocci, A. Valletta, G. Pasqua “Metabolic profile and root development of Hypericum perforatum L. in vitro roots under stress conditions due to chitosan treatment and culture time”, Front. Plant Sci., 7 (2016) 507.
- C.E. Eskildsen, P.W. Hansen, T. Skov, F. Marini, L. Nørgaard “Evaluation of multivariate calibration models transferred between spectroscopic instruments: Applied to near infrared measurements of flour samples, J. Near Infrared Spectrosc., 24 (2016) 151-156.
- L. Mannina, F. Marini, R. Antiochia, S. Cesa, A. Magrì, D. Capitani, A.P. Sobolev “Tracing the origin of beer samples by NMR and chemometrics: Trappist beers as a case study”, Electrophoresis, 37 (2016) 2710-2719.
- G. Tranfo, E. Pigini, E. Paci, F. Marini, R.C. Bonanni, “Association of exposure to benzene and smoking with oxidative damage to nucleic acids by means of biological monitoring of general population volunteers”, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 24 (2019) 13885-13894.
- R. Calvani, F. Marini, M. Cesari, T.W. Bruford, T.M. Manini, M. Pahor, C. Leeuwenburgh, R. Bernabei, F. Landi, E. Marzetti “Systemic inflammation, body composition, and physical performance in old community-dwellers”, J. Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle, 8 (2017) 69-77.
- S. De Luca, M. De Filippis, R. Bucci, A.D. Magrì, A.L. Magrì, F. Marini, “Characterization of the effects of different roasting conditions on coffee samples of different geographical origins by HPLC-DAD, NIR and chemometrics”, Microchem. J., 129 (2016) 348-361.
- S. Hugelier, P. Firmani, O. Devos, M. Moreau, C. Pierlot, F. Marini, C. Ruckebusch, “Weighted fuzzy clustering for (fuzzy) constraints in multivariate image analysis– alternating least square of hyperspectral images”, J. Spectral Imaging, 5 (2016) a7.
- A.A. Gowen, F. Marini, Y. Tsuchisaka, S. De Luca, M. Bevilacqua, C. O’Donnell, G. Downey, R. Tsenkova, “On the feasibility of near infrared spectroscopy to detect contaminants in water using single salt solutions as model systems”, Talanta, 131 (2015) 609-618.
- A. Guelpa, M. Bevilacqua, F. Marini, K. O’Kennedy, P. Geladi, M. Manley, “Application of Rapid Visco Analyser (RVA) viscograms and chemometrics for maize hardness characterisation”, Food Chem., 173 (2015) 1220-1227.
- A. Miccheli, G. Capuani, F. Marini, A. Tomassini, G. Praticò, S. Ceccarelli, D. Gnani, G. Baviera, A. Alisi, L. Putignani, V. Nobili, “Urinary 1H-NMR-based metabolic profiling of children with NAFLD undergoing VSL#3 treatment”, Int. J. Obesity, 39 (2015) 1118-1125.
- M. Tomassetti, F. Marini, L. Campanella, M. Positano, F. Marinucci, “Suitable classification of mortars from ancient Roman and Renaissance frescoes using thermal analysis and chemometrics”, Chem. Centr. J., 9 (2015) 23.
- E. Ghanem, H. Hopfer, A. Navarro, M. Ritzer, L. Mahmood, M. Fredell, A. Cubley, J. Bolen, R. Fattah, K. Teasdalea, L. Lieu, T. Chua, F. Marini, H. Heymann, E. Anslyn, “Predicting the composition of red wine blends using an array of multicomponent peptide-based sensors”, Molecules, 20 (2015) 9170-9182.
- R. Calvani, F. Marini, M. Cesari, M. Tosato, S.D. Anker, S. von Haehling, R.R. Miller, R. Bernabei, F. Landi, E. Marzetti, “Biomarkers for physical frailty and sarcopenia: state of the science and future developments”, J. Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle, 6 (2015) 278-286.
- F. Marini, D. de Beer, E. Joubert, B. Walczak, “Analysis of variance of designed chromatographic data sets: The Analysis of Variance-Target Projection approach”, J. Chromatogr. A, 1405 (2015) 94-102.
- F. Marini, N.B. Gallagher, “Meeting report: ICRM-2014 international chemometrics research meeting”, Chemometr. Intell. Lab. Syst., 146 (2015) 147-148.
- F. Westad, F. Marini, “Validation of chemometric models – A tutorial”, Anal. Chim. Acta, 893 (2015) 14-24.
- F. Marini, B. Walczak, “Particle swarm optimization (PSO). A tutorial”, Chemometr. Intell. Lab. Syst., 149 (2015) 153-165.
- A.R. Sprocati, C. Alisi, V. Pinto, M.R. Montereali, P. Marconi, F.Tasso,K. Turnau, G.De Giudici, K. Goralska, M. Bevilacqua, F. Marini, C. Cremisini, “Assessment of the applicability of a “tool-box” designed for microbially assisted phytoremediation: the case study at Ingurtosu mining site (Italy)”, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 21 (2014) 6939-6951.
- M. Bevilacqua, R. Nescatelli, R. Bucci, A.L. Magrì, A.D. Magrì, F. Marini, “Chemometric classification techniques as a tool for solving problems in analytical chemistry”, J. AOAC Int., 97 (2014) 19-28.
- R. Calvani, E. Brasili, G. Praticò, G. Capuani, A. Tomassini, F. Marini, F. Sciubba, A.Finamore, M. Roselli, E. Marzetti, A. Miccheli, “Fecal and urinary NMR-based metabolomics unveil an aging signature in mice”, Exp. Gerontol., 49 (2014) 5-11.
- C. Mazzuca, L. Micheli, F. Marini, M. Bevilacqua, G. Bocchinfuso, A. Palleschi, “Rheoreversible hydrogels in document restoration processes: a versatile tool”, Chem. Centr. J., 8 (2014) 10.
- M. Tomassetti, F. Marini, L. Campanella, A. Coppa, “Archaeometric classification of ancient human fossil bones, with particular attention to their carbonate content, using chemometrics, thermogravimetry and ICP emission”, Chem. Centr. J., 8 (2014) 26.
- T. Gatta, E. Gregori, F. Marini, M. Tomassetti, G. Visco, L. Campanella, “New approach to the differentiation of marble samples using thermal analysis and chemometrics in order to identify provenance”, Chem. Centr. J., 8 (2014), 35.
- R. Tauler, F. Marini, B. Walczak, L. Buydens, R.G. Brereton, W. Buchberger, P.J. Worsfold, “European Analytical Column Number 42”, J. Anal. Chem., 69 (2014) 812-816. Also published as:
R. Tauler, F. Marini, B. Walczak, L. Buydens, R.G. Brereton, W. Buchberger, P.J. Worsfold, “European Analytical Column Number 42”, Accr. Qual. Assur., 19 (2014) 225-229.
R. Tauler, F. Marini, B. Walczak, L. Buydens, R.G. Brereton, W. Buchberger, P.J. Worsfold, “European Analytical Column Number 42”, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 406 (2014) 3525-3529.
R. Tauler, F. Marini, B. Walczak, L. Buydens, R.G. Brereton, W. Buchberger, P.J. Worsfold, “European Analytical Column Number 42”, Trends Anal. Chem., 56 (2014) IX-XIII.
R. Tauler, F. Marini, B. Walczak, L. Buydens, R.G. Brereton, W. Buchberger, P.J. Worsfold, “European Analytical Column Number 42”, J. Serbian Chem. Soc., 79 (2014) 509-516. - L. Rigoni, S. Venti, M. Bevilacqua, R. Bucci, A.D. Magrì, A.L. Magrì, F. Marini, “Quantification of the enantiomeric excess of two APIs by means of near infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics”, Chemom. Intell. Lab. Syst., 133 (2014) 149-156.
- A. Biancolillo, R. Bucci, A.L. Magrì, A.D. Magrì, F. Marini, “Data-fusion for multiplatform characterization of an italian craft beer aimed at its authentication”, Anal. Chim. Acta, 820 (2014), 23-31.
- M.Bevilacqua, F. Marini, “Local classification: Locally weighted-partial least squares-discriminant analysis (LW-PLS-DA)”, Anal. Chim. Acta, 838 (2014) 20-30.
- J. Casado, R. Nescatelli, I. Rodriguez, M. Ramil, F. Marini, R. Cela, “Determination of benzotriazoles in water samples by concurrent derivatization-dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry”, J. Chromatogr. A, 1336 (2014) 1-9.
- A.P. Sobolev, S. Carradori, D. Capitani, S. Vista, A. Trella, F. Marini, L. Mannina, “Saffron Samples of Different Origin: An NMR Study of Microwave-Assisted Extracts”, Foods, 3 (2014) 403-419.
- E.Marzetti, F. Landi, F. Marini, M. Cesari, T.W. Buford, T. M. Manini, G. Onder, M. Pahor, R. Bernabei, C. Leeuwenburgh, R. Calvani, “Patterns of circulating inflammatory biomarkers in older persons with varying levels of physical performance: a Partial Least Squares–Discriminant Analysis (PLS–DA) approach”, Frontiers Geriatr. Med., 1 (2014) 27.
- R. Calvani, E. Brasili, G. Praticò, F. Sciubba, M. Roselli, A. Finamore, F. Marini, E. Marzetti, A. Miccheli, “Application of NMR-based metabolomics to the study of gut microbiota in obesity”, J. Clin. Gastroenterol., 48 Suppl.1 (2014) S5-S7.
- E. Brasili, G. Praticò, F. Marini, A. Valletta, G. Capuani, F. Sciubba, A. Miccheli, G. Pasqua, “A non-targeted metabolomics approach to evaluate the effects of biomass growth and chitosan elicitation on primary and secondary metabolism of Hypericum perforatum in vitro roots”, Metabolomics, 10 (2014) 1186-1196.
- R. Nescatelli, R.C. Bonanni, R. Bucci, A.L. Magrì, A.D. Magrì, F. Marini, “Geographical traceability of extra virgin olive oils from Sabina PDO by chromatographic fingerprinting of the phenolic fraction coupled to chemometrics”, Chemometr. Intell. Lab. Syst., 139 (2014) 175-180.
- E. Marzetti, R. Calvani, M. Lorenzi, F. Marini, E. D’Angelo, A. M. Martone, M. Celi, M. Tosato, R. Bernabei, F. Landi, “Serum levels of C-terminal agrin fragment (CAF) are associated with sarcopenia in older hip fractured patients”, Exp. Gerontol., 60 (2014) 79-82.
- A. Tomassini, A. Vitalone, F. Marini, G. Praticò, F. Sciubba, M. Bevilacqua, M. Delfini, A. Di Sotto, S. Di Giacomo, P. Mariani, C.L. Mammola, E. Gaudio, A. Miccheli, G. Mazzanti, “1H NMR-based urinary metabolic profiling reveals changes in nicotinamide pathway intermediates due to postnatal stress model in rat”, J. Prot. Res., 13 (2014) 5848-5859.
- M. Tomassetti, F. Marini, L. Campanella, A. Coppa, “Study of modern or ancient collagen and human fossil bones from an archaeological site of middle Nile by thermal analysis and chemometrics”, Microchem. J., 108 (2013) 7-13.
- R. Vitale, M. Bevilacqua, R. Bucci, A.D. Magrì, A.L. Magrì, F. Marini, “A rapid and non-invasive method for authenticating the origin of pistachio samples by NIR spectroscopy and chemometrics”, Chemometr. Intell. Lab. Syst., 121 (2013) 90-99.
- M. Bevilacqua, R. Bucci, S. Materazzi, F. Marini, “Application of near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy coupled to chemometrics for dried egg-pasta characterization and egg content quantification”, Food Chem., 140 (2013) 726-734.
- E. Salvatore, M. Cocchi, A. Marchetti, F. Marini, A. de Juan, “Determination of phenolic compounds and authentication of PDO Lambrusco wines by HPLC-DAD and chemometric techniques”, Anal. Chim. Acta, 761 (2013) 34-45.
- S. Serranti, D. Cesare, F. Marini, G. Bonifazi, “Classification of oat and groat kernels using NIR hyperspectral imaging”, Talanta, 103 (2013) 276-284.
- D. Rago, M. Kristensen, G. Gürdeniz, F. Marini, M. Poulsen, L.O. Dragsted, “A LCMS metabolomics approach to investigate the effect of raw apple intake in the rat plasma metabolome”, Metabolomics, 9 (2013), 1202-1215.
- E. Brasili, E. Mengheri, A. Tomassini, G. Capuani, M. Roselli, A. Finamore, F. Sciubba, F. Marini, A. Miccheli, “Lactobacillus acidophilus La5 and Bifidobacterium lactis Bb12 Induce Different Age-Related Metabolic Profiles Revealed by 1H-NMR Spectroscopy in Urine and Feces of Mice”, J. Nutrit., 143 (2013) 1549-1557.
- F. Marini, R. Bro, “SCREAM: A novel method for multi-way regression problems with shifts and shape changes in one mode”, Chemometr. Intell. Lab. Syst., 129 (2013) 64-75.
- M. Bevilacqua, R. Bucci, A.D. Magrì, A.L. Magrì, F. Marini, “Tracing the origin of extra virgin olive oils by infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics: A case study”, Anal. Chim. Acta, 717 (2012), 39-51.
- M. Favaro, A. Guastoni, F. Marini, S. Bianchin, A. Gambirasi, “Characterization of lapis lazuli and corresponding purified pigments for a provenance study of ultramarine pigments used in works of art”, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 402 (2012), 2195-2208.
- C. Ruiz-Samblás, F. Marini, L. Cuadros-Rodriguez, A. Gonzáles-Casado, “Quantification of blending of olive oils and edible vegetable oils by triacylglycerol fingerprint gas chromatography and chemometric tools”, J. Chromatogr. B, 910 (2012) 71-77.
- F. Marini, M. Tomassetti, S. Vecchio, “Detailed kinetic and chemometric study of the cellulose thermal breakdown in artificially aged and non aged commercial paper. Different methods for computing activation energy as an assessment model in archaeometric applications”, Chem. Centr. J., 6 Suppl.2 (2012), S7.
- M. Ritota, S. Cozzolino, S. Marconi, P. Sequi, M. Valentini, F. Marini, “Metabolic profiling of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) by means of HRMAS-NMR spectroscopy”, Acta Horticulturae, 932 (2012) 279-284.
- F. Marini, A. D’Aloise, R. Bucci, F. Buiarelli, A.L. Magrì, A.D. Magrì, “Fast analysis of 4 phenolic acids in olive oil by HPLC-DAD and chemometrics”, Chemom. Intell. Lab. Syst., 106 (2011), 142-149.
- S. Bellato, V. Del Frate, R. Redaelli, D. Sgrulletta, R. Bucci, A.D. Magrì, F. Marini, “Use of Near Infrared Reflectance and Transmittance coupled to Robust Calibration for the evaluation of nutritional value of naked oats”, J. Agric. Food Chem., 59 (2011), 4349-4360.
- F. Marini, B. Walczak, “Finding relevant clustering directions in high-dimensional data using Particle Swarm Optimization”, J. Chemom., 25 (2011), 366-374.
- A.A. Gowen, F. Marini, C. Esquerre, C. O’Donnell, G. Downey, J. Burger, “Time series hyperspectral chemical imaging data: Challenges, solutions and applications”, Anal. Chim. Acta, 705 (2011), 272-282.
- M. Ritota, F. Marini, P. Sequi, M. Valentini, “Metabolomic characterization of Italian sweet pepper (Capsicum annum L.) by means of HRMAS-NMR spectroscopy and multivariate analysis”, J. Agric. Food Chem., 58 (2010), 9675-9684.
- L. Mannina, F. Marini, M. Gobbino, A.P. Sobolev, D. Capitani, “NMR and chemometrics in tracing European olive oils: the case study of Ligurian samples”, Talanta, 80 (2010), 2141-2148.
- F. Marini, “Classification methods in chemometrics”, Curr. Anal. Chem., 6 (2010), 72-79.
- C. Cavaliere, P. Foglia, F. Marini, R. Samperi, D. Antonacci, A. Laganà, “The interactive effects of irrigation, nitrogen fertilization rate, delayed harvest and storage on the polyphenol content in red grape (Vitis Vinifera) berries: A factorial experimental design”, Food Chem., 122 (2010), 1176-1184.
- F. Marini, R. Bucci, I. Ginevro, A.L. Magrì, “Coupling of IR measurements and multivariate calibration techniques for the determination of enantiomeric excess in pharmaceutical preparations”, Chemom. Intell. Lab Syst., 97 (2009), 52-63.
- F. Marini, “Artificial neural networks in food analysis: trends and perspectives”, Anal. Chim. Acta, 635 (2009), 121-131.
- M. West-Nørager, R. Bro, F. Marini, E.V. Høgdall, C.K. Høgdall, L. Nedergaard, N.H.H. Heegard, “Feasibility of serodiagnosis of ovarian cancer by mass spectrometry”, Anal. Chem., 81 (2009), 1907-1913.
- A. Miccheli, F. Marini, G. Capuani, A. Tomassini Miccheli, M. Delfini, M.E. Di Cocco, C. Puccetti, M. Paci, M. Rizzo, A. Spataro, “The influence of a sports drink on the postexercise metabolism of elite athletes as investigated by NMR-based metabolomics”, J. Am. Coll. Nutrit., 28 (2009), 553-564.
- F. Marini, R. Bucci, A.L. Magrì, A.D. Magrì, R. Acquistucci, R. Francisci “Classification Of 6 Durum Wheat Cultivars From Sicily (Italy) Using Artificial Neural Networks”, Chemom. Intell. Lab Syst., 90 (2008), 1-7
- F. Marini, A.L. Magrì, R. Bucci, A.D. Magrì, “Artificial Neural Networks in Chemometrics: History, Examples and Perspectives”, Microchem. J., 88 (2008), 178-85
- L. Campanella, E. Gregori, F. Marini, M. Tomassetti, “Biosensors, colorimetric tests and chemometrics to check antioxidant and prooxidant properties of several animal feeds”, J. Agric. Food. Environ., 6 (2008), 326-332
- M.S. Simonetti, F. Damiani, L. Gabrielli, L. Cossignani, F. Blasi, F. Marini, D. Montesano, A. Maurizi, E. Ventura, A. Bosi, P. Damiani, “Characterization of triacylglycerols in Arbutus Unedo L. seeds”, Italian J. Food Sci., 20 (2008), 49-56
- L. Cossignani, F. Damiani, L. Gabrielli, D. Montesano, M.S. Simonetti, T. Petrosino, F. Ventura, F. Marini, P. Damiani, “Structural characteristics of the triacylglycerol fraction from the seed fat of Mangifera Indica L.”, Italian J. Food Sci., 20 (2008), 263-271
- E. Aprea, F. Biasioli, F. Gasperi, D. Mott, F. Marini, T.D. Märk “Assessment of Trentingrana cheese ageing by proton transfer reaction-mass spectrometry and chemometrics”, Int. Dairy J., 17 (2007), 226-234
- F. Marini, A.L. Magrì, R. Bucci “Multilayer feed-forward neural networks for class-modeling”, Chemom. Intell. Lab. Syst., 88 (2007), 118-124
- F. Marini, A.L. Magrì, R. Bucci, A.D. Magrì, “Use of different artificial neural networks to resolve binary blends of monocultivar italian olive oils”, Anal. Chim. Acta, 599 (2007), 232-240
- F. Biasioli, F. Gasperi, E. Aprea, I. Endrizzi, V. Framondino, F. Marini, D.Mott, T.D. Märk “Correlation of PTR-MS spectral fingerprint with sensory characterization of flavour and odour profile of ‘Trentingrana’ cheese”, Food Qual. Pref., 17 (2006), 63-75
- R. Bucci, F. Balestrieri, A.D. Magrì, A.L. Magrì, F. Marini “UV-Vis spectrophotometric method for the quantitation of all the components of Italian general denaturant and its application to check the conformity of alcohol samples”, Talanta, 68 (2006), 781-790
- V. Vinciguerra, R. Bucci, F. Marini, A. Napoli “Thermal behaviour of iminodiacetic, oxydiacetic and thiodiacetic acids”, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 83 (2006), 475-478
- F. Biasioli, F. Gasperi, E. Aprea, D. Mott, F. Marini, T.D. Märk “Characterization of strawberry genotypes: a three years study”, Acta Horticulturæ, 708 (2006), 497-500
- F. Marini, R. Bucci, A.L. Magrì, A.D. Magrì “Authentication if Italian CDO wines by class-modeling techniques”, Chemom. Intell. Lab. Syst., 84 (2006), 164-171
- F. Marini, J. Zupan, A.L. Magrì “Class-modeling using Kohonen artificial neural networks”, Anal. Chim. Acta, 544 (2005), 306-314
- F. Marini, A.L. Magrì, R. Bucci, F. Balestrieri, D. Marini “Class-modeling techniques in the authentication of PDO italian oils from Sicily”, Chemom. Intell. Lab. Syst., 80 (2005), 140-149
- F. Marini, A. Roncaglioni, M. Novič “Variable Selection and Interpretation in Structure-Affinity Correlation Modeling of Estrogen Receptor Binders”, J.Chem. Inf. Model., 45 (2005), 1507-1519
- F. Marini, J. Zupan, A.L. Magrì “On the use of counterpropagation artificial neural networks to characterize Italian rice varieties”, Anal. Chim. Acta, 510 (2004), 231-240
- F. Marini, A.L. Magrì, F. Balestrieri, F. Fabretti, D. Marini “Supervised pattern recognition applied to the discrimination of the floral origin of italian honey samples”, Anal. Chim. Acta, 515 (2004), 117-125
- D. Mott, F. Biasioli, F. Gasperi, E. Aprea, F. Marini, T.D. Märk “Characterization of strawberry genotypes by PTR-MS spectral fingerprinting”, Acta Horticulturæ, 649 (2004), 65-68
- F. Marini, F. Balestrieri, R. Bucci, A.L. Magrì, D. Marini “Supervised pattern recognition to authenticate italian olive oil varieties”, Chemom. Intell. Lab. Syst., 73 (2004), 85-93
- F. Biasioli, F. Gasperi, G. Odorizzi, E. Aprea, D. Mott, G. Autiero, F. Marini, T.D. Märk “PTR-MS monitoring of odour emissions from composting plants”, Int. J. Mass Spectrom., 239 (2004), 103-109
- F. Biasioli, F. Gasperi, G. Odorizzi, E. Aprea, D. Mott, F. Marini, G. Autiero, G. Rotondo, T.D. Märk “Studio sull’applicabilità del PTR-MS al controllo degli odori negli impianti per il trattamento dei rifiuti”, Rifiuti Solidi, 18 (2004), 220-229
- Bucci, A.D. Magrì, A.L. Magrì, F. Marini “Comparison of three spectrophotometric methods for the determination of γ-oryzanol in rice bran oil”, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 375 (2003), 1254-1259
- F. Marini, F. Balestrieri, R. Bucci, A.L. Magrì, D. Marini “Supervised pattern recognition to discriminate the geographical origin of rice bran oils: a first study”, Microchem. J., 74 (2003), 239-248
- F. Marini, A.L. Magrì, D. Marini, F. Balestrieri “Characterization of the lipid fraction of niger seeds (Guizotia Abyssinica Cass.) from different regions of Ethiopia and India and chemometric authentication of their geographical origin”, Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Tech., 105 (2003), 697-704
- R. Bucci, A.D. Magrì, A.L. Magrì, D. Marini, F. Marini “Chemical authentication of extra-virgin olive oil varieties by supervised chemometric procedures”, J. Agric. Food Chem., 50 (2002), 413-418